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    Summer vacation in Jammu and Kashmir

    Summer vacation in Jammu and Kashmir

    May 09, 2024

    Welcome back my dear adventurers, so planning to have a cool-cool vacation stay in the only paradise in India. There we are exploring each and every aspect for your comfort and conveniences as our top most priority ,guiding you for the most awaited expedition in every Indian household .

    So get your schedules clear and keep adding in your ‘to do list in kashmir’ ,worry we got to and so are we ready to share all the guidance we can provide into this blog .We all want the summer heats to a place where snow capped peaks pierce the clouds and our souls can rush with the cold breezes. Summer vacation in Jammu and Kashmir is a go to place for anybody, a destination that promises breathtaking vistas and moments that can’t be forgotten forever . 

    This place has some unique offerings from Jammu with its rich culture and history to Kashmir trip that will leave you mesmerized with its serene beauty that will make a perfect escape in summers .Let’s immerse ourselves fully  in the exploration journey of thrills for adventure and discovering the hidden gems of this beautiful place by embarking on this summer adventure to Jammu and Kashmir .

    Jammu v/s Kashmir : choice is all yours !

    As the name suggests this united region offers just an amazing blend for each and every kind of summer travelers. Their names may be one but they are quite different when it comes to summers . Jammu being on the foothills of the Himalayas ,offers a warm and cozy climate with serene beauty of historical treasures full of greenery. Not a single doubt about the diverse range for adventures even in the summers  , it ranges from the spiritual blessing from the Mata Vaishno Devi  to the towering Bahu Fort and above that all the panoramic view from Patnitop.

    In contrast to Jammu, Kashmir ,is much cooler offering chilly conditioned experiences with snow capped peaks and crystal-clear lakes. Who can miss the Meadows like Gulmarg full of vibrancy and  serene Dal Lake just perfect for shikara rides accessorizing the unreal beauty of Kashmir. Sonmarg, the "Meadow of Gold," is literally a haven on earth promising thriving treks and picture perfect views . This blog is more than just a guide , this will cater you in every way from history buffs to illustrating each visit to wonderland for nature enthusiasts .

    Treasures of Jammu in Summer 

    From the southern gateway to Kashmir there exists Jammu, a treasure waiting to explode with all the thrills it holds. A place where  millions with no second thoughts embark on a challenging trek to seek blessings of the Mata Vaishno Devi, a holy Hindu pilgrimage known for its pure blissful aura . Situated  atop a hill , the majestic Bahu Fort, offers so much for the history whispering tales from the bygone era .

    Ahhh a timeout is always the need in summers from the heat , worry not ,we have come this far not just to seek escape. A charming hill station heading to Patnitop in the middle of the forests is the only visit we were seeking . While trails with horseback riding adventure awaits you the surrounding cool mountains are just ready to revive your soul. But never underestimate Jammu for its serene beauty , it has much more to adventure yourself into . While the foothills of the Himalayas offer challenging yet rewarding trekking trails you can grab the perfect opportunity for white-water rafting in the rushing waters of the Tawi River.
    Jammu's culinary scene is a delightful blend of tradition and spice. Be sure you do not miss a cup of Kahwa ,flavored with  saffron and cardamom,an aromatic green tea to end your tranquil experience in Jammu . 

    Summer’s time in Kashmir: Paradise on Earth 

    Meadows spreaded out full with  wildflowers in vibrant colors against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks shows an incredible symphony of nature’s creations. Reflections of the majestic mountains in the crystal-clear lakes are one of the scenes you would never want to miss out on .

    "Meadow of Flowers," has held its name and is living up to it . Gulmarg ,during summers, vibrant blooms transform the landscape into amazing beautiful bliss to gaze at . Take a scenic gondola ride to the top of Apharwat Peak for panoramic views that will leave you speechless.For treks to unreal glaciers like Thajiwas Glacier offering glimpses of the heart of the Himalayas that you won’t be able to forget , Sonmarg known as the "Meadow of Gold " is a perfect base for trek like these . 

    Experiencing shikara ride, a gondola-like boat on Dal Lake is a perfect way to let yourselves soak in the beauty of  the surrounding mountains . You can also embark onto a challenging trek offering your adventurous soul peace .

    Your Dream Summer Escape to J&K

    If you are on the journey to summer vacation in Kashmir, considering the ideal time to visit each region is vital to note. While Jammu experiences pleasant weather from May to July, Kashmir has some other better options to explore and enjoy cooler temperatures between June and September.

    When it comes to accommodation, Jammu offers a variety of options for every budget. Choose from comfortable hotels in major cities or charming homestays in quieter locations. In Kashmir, experience a unique stay on a traditional houseboat on Dal Lake, surrounded by the serene beauty of the mountains. Homestays and hotels catering to all budgets are also readily available.

    It is relatively easy to get around in Jammu and Kashmir. If you wanna explore  a budget-friendly way to navigate between towns and cities then local buses are just accurate for you, while  taxis are quite convenient too for both regions. You are in J&K and thinking about renting a motorbike didn’t even cross your mind , ahhh you aren’t a traveler . To explore the scenic landscapes at your own pace motorbike rides are just perfect for more adventurous spirits.

    Things you must know 

    Packing comfortable clothes suitable for the varying climates of Jammu and Kashmir is a necessity to ensure a smooth and enjoyable summer vacation in Jammu and Kashmir. Cotton clothes ,light jackets and full sleeve clothes are the ones that will be taking space in your bags.  Don't forget sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the summer sun. 

    Also do remember this land is filled with rich culture and tradition. By dressing modest.ly you will be respecting local customs which is quite a very good habit for any traveler . And bargaining is a common practice in local markets, so don't be afraid to put your negotiating skills to the test and that’s how you will be embracing the shopping scenes there .

    Jammu and Kashmir offer an unforgettable summer escape, blending its rich history, cultural experiences and delectable cuisine . This region promises adventures like none other .So, pack your bags  and book your tickets for summer vacation in Kashmir divisions aka “Paradise on Earth”.


    Q1-  What’s the temperature of Kashmir in Summer ?

    Ans-  The temperature usually ranges from 14 -30 degrees celsius ,moderately warm ,may give you some pleasant time there .

    Q2-  What is the climate of the capital of Jammu and Kashmir in summer ?

    Ans-  Srinagar ,located in the Kashmir valley enjoys a temperature not too hot but with potentially chilly nights. It’s pleasant weather to enjoy kashmir in summers .

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